News, Media, Events UPKM - Promotion of Student Internships Internet UoM - Promotion of Student Internships Internet UNSA - Promotion of Student Internships Internet UES - Promotion of Student Internships Internet PUT - Promotion of Student Internships Internet POLIS - Promotion of Student Internships Internet IBCM - Promotion of Student Internship Internet AUB - Promotion of Student Internships Internet UoM - World Day of Remembrance Day for Road Traffic Victims Internet UPKM - Roundtables with TDG stakeholders Internet UPKM - Erasmus+ Info Day Internet UoM - Roundtable - Promotion of Trainings for Professionals Internet UNSA - Roundtables with TDG stakeholders Internet UES - Roundtable - Promotion of Trainings for Professionals Internet PUT - Roundtables with TDG stakeholders Internet IBCM - Roundtable - Promotion of Trainings for Professionals Internet POLIS - Roundtable - Promotion of Training for Professionals Internet AUB - Roundtable with TDG stakeholders Internet POLIS - 1st Info day for student enrollment Internet UPKM - Promotion of Student Internships Internet POLIS - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Internet UPKM - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Internet UPKM - 1st Info day for student enrollment Internet PUT - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Internet PUT - 1st Info day for student enrollment Internet UoM - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Internet UoM - 1st Info day for student enrollment Internet UNSA - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Internet UNSA - 1st Info day for student enrollment Internet UES - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Internet UES - 1st Info day for student enrollment Internet IBCM - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Internet IBCM - 1st Info day for student enrollment Internet AUB - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Internet AUB - Info day for student enrollment Internet UNI - LXVIII ETRAN Conference and 11th International Conference IcETRAN Internet UNI - Inter-project coaching event Internet UOM - 14th session – Technical Committee on Transport of Dangerous Goods Internet International Conference "Advances in Traffic and Communication Technologies (ATCT)" -"AI Crossroads: Shaping the Future of Traffic and Communications" (UNSA) Internet Radio Television Budva reported on the event held on the Faculty of Transport, Communications and Logistics (FSKL) in Budva Internet Radio Television Budva - DGTRANS project Internet Meeting within DGTRANS project (UOM) Internet The scientific-professional conference titled "Safe Transport, Storage, and Handling of Hazardous Materials" held in Šabac. (UPKM) Internet Preparatory Classes for enrolment FTS-UPKM Internet Erasmus + project - Inter project coaching meeting Internet Multiplier event “Added benefits of European projects for soft skill development” Report Local workshop at Faculty of Traffic and Communications in Sarajevo Report Erasmus+ Info Day at University of Mitrovica Report "Logistics Day" at Faculty of Traffic and Communications in Sarajevo Report IX international conference "NEW HORIZONS of Transport and Communications 2023", Doboj Report Workshop of dangerous goods at University of Montenegro - Round table "Safety of road users in road tunnels in case of fire" Report Inter-project coaching event under SINARG 2023 conference Report Workshop of dangerous goods at University of Montenegro Report Workshop at Óbuda University Internet Workshop of dangerous goods at Novi Sad Fair Report The 3rd Regional Professional Seminar "Civil Engineering and Transportation 2023'', Belgrade Report International Conference "Advances in Traffic and Communication Technologies (ATCT)" -"Sustainable urban mobility" Report Workshop in Maribor on LinkedIn DGTRANS promotion at the International Sarajevo Book Fair 2023 Report DGTRANS promotion at University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Traffic and Communications – Bosnia and Herzegovina, master, and doctoral students Galway University Ireland Report Workshop of dangerous goods at University of Montenegro Report Obuda University's newspaper - Hírmondó prepared an article about the DGTRANS Kick-off meeting (HUNGARIAN) Newspaper Cargo-Partner Bosnia and Herzegovina visited Facultz of Traffic and Communication in Sarajevo Report DGTRANS Project coordinators Prof. Dr. Nebojša Arsić and Dr. Aleksandra Petrović were guests at TV Show "Aktuelnosti" of Television "Most" where they promoted the project and talked about the benefits to the University and local community About DGTRANS project - MOST TV Newspaper "Jedinstvo" about DGTRANS project and the Kick-off meeting DGTRANS in "Jedinstvo" DGTRANS Kick-off meeting broadcasted on Dankos Plus Television INICIJALNI NAUČNI SKUP NA PRIŠTINSKOM UNIVERZITETU - DANKOS PLUS TV - YouTube Newspaper "Novosti" prepared an article about the DGTRANS Kick-off meeting Radio Kosovska Mitrovica on DGTRANS Kick-off meeting Kosovska Mitrovica: Inicijalnim skupom na prištinskom Univerzitetu, zvanično započeta dva velika međunarodna projekta – Radio Kosovska Mitrovica ( Radio Kontakt Plus on DGTRANS Kick-off meeting Information and details about DGTRANS Kick-off meeting described on the Web Page of the University of Mitrovica Одржан Информативни дан Еразмус+ програма - Универзитет у Приштини са привременим седиштем у Косовској Митровици ( DGTRANS project introduced and promoted at the Erasmus+ Info Day, which took place at the Rectorate of the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, on 7th December 2022. Erasmus+ Info Day